Thursday, May 22, 2014

Jewelry Store Employees Need Hands-On Learning, Too

Experience is a necessity when it comes to your specialty. Yes, you can go to school and learn a lot of facts about what you plan on doing for living, but without hands on experience, you may not realize exactly what it is all about. A perfect example is a surgeon. Although this person has had extensive education and formal training in the medical field, he or she will not completely realize everything the job entails until they get into a residency or other situation where they can do some hands on work. In a staged environment such as a classroom, everything is controlled, but in the real work there will be many variables that come into play on top of performing what you have learned in school.

Another great example is jewelry stores. Yes, it seems like jewelry stores would be a pretty controlled environment, but that is probably because you have not experienced a woman freaking out because her diamond ring has become chipped or she flushed her wedding ring down the toilet by accident. When you factor emotions into the equation, people will act differently and there will be more pressure to perform satisfactorily. Believe it or not, some people view jewelry as a life or death situation!

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